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Linux-Kongress 2003
10th International Linux System Technology Conference
October 14th to 16th, 2003 in Saarbrücken, Germany

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The 10th Linux-Kongress will take place in Saarbrücken, Germany from October 14th to 16th 2003.

[2003-10-12] Instead of Moshe Bar, Matt Rechenburg will talk about openMosix.

[2003-10-12] Unfortunately, Jeff Dike's talk about Present and Future of User-mode Linux has to cancelled. Instead of this, Volker Lendecke will talk about Multiple Linux user databases and the samba way to merge them.

[2003-10-04] Unfortunately, Kevin Lawton's talk about Plex86 has to cancelled. Instead of this, Ralf Spenneberg will talk about Technical requirements to use Linux for a honeynet.

We thank our sponsors

Linbit Red Hat Astaro PatriotSoft
CertainKey Inc Nomina X/OS iKu Systemhaus AG
Linux Enterprise O'Reilly AT computing kernelconcepts
Open Source Press iX LinuxUser

Comments or Questions? Mail to Last change: 2005-09-17