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Linux-Kongress 2003
10th International Linux System Technology Conference
October 14th to 16th, 2003 in Saarbrücken, Germany

Home | Events | Program | Abstracts | Tutorials | BoFs | Fees | Registration | Exhibition | Location | Keysigning Party | Sponsors | Call for Papers


With the Linux-Kongress we want to give Linux developers a chance to meet their peers and present their papers and work. But much of this work is done by people in their spare time and on their own budget. Many cannot afford an expensive conference. That is why the Linux-Kongress is cheaper than most conferences and why we pay travel and accommodation costs for many speakers.

To finance this effort we need sponsors. If you think ours is a worthy cause or if you are making money by using Linux, please consider giving back to the community by helping us.

Sponsoring the Linux-Kongress is also a great way of making your company known to a group of core Linux developers and tell them about your product and line of work.

If you are interested in sponsoring the Linux-Kongress please contact (

We thank our sponsors

AT computing LinuxUser Nomina Linux Enterprise
PatriotSoft Red Hat iKu Systemhaus AG CertainKey Inc
Astaro iX X/OS Open Source Press
kernelconcepts Linbit O'Reilly

Comments or Questions? Mail to Last change: 2005-09-17